Our Genius hour = This term our class did a Genius hour, our groups was based on the hunger games, since alexa and I are fandoms as well as Sacha and Tanner we decided to do that topic. We created Three dresses based on three districts and a P.E game based on the first hunger games that involves the whole class!

The best part = The part that I liked the most was creating the game and organising and presenting the Reaping.
The Process = First we organised how we would act out the actual day, and then we desinged our dresses on paper before we made them, we then created our bands for the P.E game that was planned out kind of like rippa rugby how you would take the band and that means that they were considered dead or out.
The Most Sucsseful part = Was the P.E game because it was planned first and we all agreed and had no arguments on how it would work out,
What I would Do Differently Next Time = Probably stitch my dress together more better and be more oranised with the paper work and dress.
My next Genius Hour = Probably based on Divergent my latest favourite book and movie or making a food,
I give my progect a 8 out of 10.